West Suffolk Council contracted the team to carry out bank repairs to the pond at Brandon Country Park.
The main objective was to cover the liner which had become exposed due to the eroding banks.
After discussions with the council pre-vegetated coir rolls were to be installed.
Emmitt Plant transported an 2.7 ton excavator and a three ton dumper to the country park.
We then had ten tonnes of blue clay delivered to the site by the SRC Group.
Forty meters of pre-vegetated coir rolls were supplied and delivered by A.G.A Group, allowing the commencement of work.
We lowered the pond’s water level with our four-inch industrial pump.
Blue clay was then loaded into the dumper and distributed along the banks where they were eroding.
using the excavator bucket, the blue clay was compacted and the banks reshaped.
A small trench was excavated, and the pre-vegetated coir rolls were installed.
Topsoil from the site was used to cover the trench, then raked and landscaped.
Grass seed was then sown by the team.
The team cleared the site and left it in as clean and tidy a condition as possible.
The excavator and dumper were collected.